Feed Ingredients, General - 31 May 2024

Coccidiosis is a common and worldwide protozoal disease of rabbits, caused by the Eimeria parasite. Rabbits that recover frequently become carriers, making treatment and prevention of the disease difficult. Robenidine hydrochloride, a synthethic coccidiostats, has been used more or less systematically in many countries to prevent or control coccidiosis in rabbits, often referred to as ‘rabbit dysentery. Registered under the tradename Cycostat ® 66G,  it has been authorized in the EU for the past 10 years as a coccidiostat feed additive for rabbits. However, from June on the use of this will be prohibited in the EU in fattening and breeding rabbits.

To evaluate potential of DOSTO®, a premixture with natural oregano essential oil, to alleviate or replace use of regular coccidiostats in rabbits, a field trial was conducted by DOSTOFARM®, in two consecutive lots of animals. Animals were divided in two groups, receiving different in-feed treatment. One (positive control) group was fed with coccidiostat in the weaning feed, whereas a second (treatment) group was fed with DOSTO® Powder in both the weaning and fattening feed.

Feeding DOSTO Powder instead of coccidiostats resulted in comparable performance. Both groups reached a similar average slaughter weight, age at slaughter and feed conversion ratio. Before weaning, application of DOSTO Powder®

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