Denkapig - 7 dezembro 2022

Research abroad

Our R&D colleagues Ard van Enckevort (Manager R&D) and Peter van ‘t Veld (Researcher Piglet Feed) recently visited the research farm Folhados in Minas Gerais, near the city Patrocinio in Brazil. Since September 2022 a collaboration is started to perform practical research into pig nutrition in Brazil. Ard and Peter are sharing their experience.

In October you visited the research farm Folhados in Brazil.

What was the purpose of your visit to this new research farm?farmers in the field

The purpose of our visit had multiple reasons, first of all, of course, to get to know the team located on location. The farm is run by the farm manager Luiz Carlos Crestani, Luiz is already 27 years manager of Folhados and is very experienced. Together with Eduardo Raele de Oliveira, the veterinarian at the research farm they are in the lead of all the activities on the farm. For the trial and further support on trial reports Ana Paula Pavaneli is part of the team.

But of course, we also liked to get a more detailed impression of the farm and the farm set-up, and circumstances and to exchange ideas. The farm is run by a great very motivated team, that takes care of a high-producing company with a high focus on the best possible treatment of the sows and piglets when they are in the farrowing pen.


What is in general the opinion/ situation regarding pig farming in Brazil?

Latin America, and Brazil, in particular, is an important market with great potential for the Denkavit group. For example, Brazil and Mexico rank high among the countries in the world that produce the most piglets. So has Brazil alone already about 2 million sows and also in these countries Danish genetics is used a lot which means the occurrence of many large litters. However, the market is also showing a lot of variabilities in productivity in the sector depending on the type of company (private, relatively small companies vs integrated big companies).


In the coming years, what kind of trials do we want, and are possible to perform at this research farm?

In the coming years, we are going to test all kinds of different products and feeding concepts for piglets. These products can range from, different kinds of milk replacers, dairy concentrates, creep/ pre-starter, and weaning products that can be provided before/ around weaning. If we desired we can monitor the effect of products up to 6 weeks after weaning up to 30kg live weight.

In addition, next to trails the research farm will also serve as a demo-/ consultancy and training farm for prospects and clients.

How many animals (sows/ piglets) are housed at the farm?

On this farm, there are 2300 DanBred sows. The technical results are very good, 15.5 weaned per sow/litter, while the average in Brazil is 12.5 (Agriness reference data).


How many trials will there take place in 2023?

The goal is to have 6 trials taking place in 2023, testing all different kinds of products.


After your visit what was your general impression?

Our impression was very positive. There is a well-motivated and great team working at the research farm, and at the farm, there are many options to perform detailed trials. This will give us certainly great insights into our products in practice under local conditions. Based on this practical data, we gain more knowledge and new insights and we can improve our products even further for all piglets and our customers in the Latin American market.


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