Denkamilk calves - 28 julho 2022

The solution to supplementing the vitamin and mineral intake of your calves depends on whether you feed your calves cow’s milk or calf’s milk. Read more about how to boost the vitality of your calves in this article!

Do you feed cow’s milk?

(Click here if you feed calf’s milk)

Then your calves may not get a sufficient vitamin and mineral intake. As milk production per cow has increased considerably over the past few decades, milk has become more diluted. Young calves need more vitamins and minerals than cow’s milk can currently provide. This is why it is a good idea to add Vitaladd to the milk you feed your calves. Vitaladd is an excellent supplement to cow’s milk and ensures that calves take in sufficient vitamins and minerals. Vitaladd contains citric acid which lowers the pH. This improves the coagulation of the milk in the abomasum and reduces the growth of bacteria in the milk. Vitaladd contains extra vitamin D, which plays an important role in the metabolism of phosphorus and calcium, and has a positive effect on bone development and the innate immune system.

Dairy Technology, 2005; Enb et al., 2009; Handleiding mineralenvoorziening Rundvee, Schapen en Geiten (CVB), 2005; Lindmark-Månsson et al., 2003; NRC, 2001; Vessier et al., 2003; Vreugdenhil Dairy Foods, 2015; WUR report: Behoefte en verbruik van micronutriënten in de diervoeding, 2013

Get in touch for more information about our product Vitaladd!

Do you feed calf’s milk?

Even if you do, your calf’s vitality may not be sufficient. Every calf is born with a different supply of vitamins, minerals and trace elements. How can you improve your calves’ vitality? By adding Vitalcure to the milk you feed your calf. Due to the high concentration of vitamins and minerals in Vitalcure, you can help recharge the ‘battery’ of your calves as quickly as possible.

Research has shown that calves that are given 20 grams of Vitalcure per day for the first ten days of their life are on average ±5 kg heavier after 10-11 weeks. Those calves feel fitter and therefore take in more feed.

Vitamin D plays an important role in bone metabolism and a prominent role in the primary immune system. This results in more vital calves. A vitamin D level of 30 ng/ml blood serum is optimal for good health (Nelson et al., 2012).

This research shows that calves that are given Vitalcure with extra vitamin D reach 30 ng/ml the fastest. This means they have increased immunity during the first weeks of life.

Get in touch for more information about our product Vitalcure!

Would you like to read more about the importance of vitamins, minerals and trace elements for young animals? Click here!