Denkapig - 20 junho 2019

The reduction of phosphate emissions into the environment is increasingly a hot topic. In this context, Denkavit surveyed the impact of adding a new type of phytase. In short, phytase is an enzyme that increases the availability of phytate-bound phosphor and other minerals and amino acids in animals.

After extensive research on Denkavit, it has been proved that using a new type of phytase can significantly decrease the phosphor level in our feeds. Simultaneously, the performance of the piglets stays at least at the same level. Interestingly, it results in a 5% lower feed conversion ratio. The phosphate emissions by piglets can easily be reduced by 20% this way.

Read the complete research report here. 

This new phytase is meanwhile part of our Denkapig weaning and rearing feeds and is successfully used in farms.